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When Kathleen and Lindsey Grey summed up how their 60 year marriage worked, they said "working together". You don't make it 60 years and not understand the beauty of A.R.E. you there for me either. At the core of A.R.E. is the whole concept of working together. http://www.forfardispatch.co.uk/news/local-news/kathleen-and-lin-celebrate-60-years-of-marriage-1-3550164http://www.forfardispatch.co.uk/news/local-news/kathleen-and-lin-celebrate-60-years-of-marriage-1-3550164 Sometimes in a relationship, you are going to have rough patches, That is inevitable. Feelings are hurt, needs aren't met, you get let down. Maybe your partner does something so badly that you are deeply wounded. In nearly every case there way to repair it is through Accessibility, Responsiveness, and Engagement. Also, the way that most hurt happens is when A.R.E. falls apart. Couples who have participated in Love Connection 101 understand the struggle it is to remain close and always there for each other and how to remain close even in times of distance. We think that is the hallmark of "working together." We want so much couples to feel connected that we have created several tools for you. If you have not already started following us at Spreaker.com I would highly recommend it. Our weekly relationship show is at http://www.spreaker.com/show/the-love-entrepreneurs You can also get our new book and CD/DVD package Anatomy of an Entrepreneurial Divorce: and 5 ways to move from bankruptcy to solvency. This simple to follow book shows the pathway into and out of a divorce. Every couple can benefit from the content of this (shipping only) book. #DontLetBusinessBankruptTheFamily is more than a hashtag, it is a belief and we believe that all couples have what it takes to make it to 60 if they just A.R.E. there and work together. America's #1 Entrepreneurial Couples Coaches www.TheLoveEntrepreneurs.com